Onur's Page

Announcement: Stepping Up as Co-Lead of Rust's Bootstrap Team

I want to share some exciting news with the Open Source community. For the past year, I have been actively involved in contributing and maintaining the Rust Language, with a primary focus on the bootstrapping Rust compiler as a dedicated member of the Bootstrap Team.

Just recently, our team made the decision to introduce a Co-Leadership, and I am thrilled to announce that I have been selected to this role for the Bootstrap Team. This change means that I will be joining our existing lead in a shared leadership role.

During the first couple of weeks, my main priority will be to conduct a comprehensive review going through every aspect of compiler bootstrapping and having in-depth discussions with my team members to make informed decisions. Subsequently, I will use the insights gained from this review to create a roadmap and establish future development plans for the bootstrap team.

I am absolutely thrilled and honored to take on this role, and I am determined to do my best to advance this incredible project! Thank you for your trust and support.

For the technical understanding of compiler bootstrapping, refer to the following sources:

#open-source #announcement